Effective April 14th, 2020 – Curbside Recycling is being discontinued until further notice.

****** NOTICE — EFFECTIVE April 14th, 2020 ******

Due to the recent confirmation of individuals testing positive for COVID-19. The City will be taking added safety precautions for the citizens and its employees.

We have elected to discontinue curbside recycling until further notice. Recyclables are normally household items that individuals have been in direct contact with and go directly into the recycle containers with no protection for others who may come in direct contact with the item(s).

We are reaching out to the Gallia, Jackson, Meigs, Vinton Solid Waste Management District to obtain additional drop-off containers and a second location. We will continue with the 4 containers located at the City Garage.

We appreciate everyone’s understanding and support.

****** As a Reminder ******

All garbage should be in bags or boxed, to also limit possible exposure.