The City of Jackson will be partnering with OVRDC (Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission) in a utilities mapping program, provided to the City at no cost.

The City of Jackson would like to take this opportunity to advise residents, businesses and commercial customers of the community, of a current project that will take place in all areas of the City’s utility systems throughout the year of 2020 and early 2021.

The City of Jackson will be partnering with OVRDC (Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission) in a utilities mapping program, provided to the City at no cost. The mapping will provide the City with the most current and up to date information and technology that will allow us to make informed decisions as we plan future projects for utilities and paving.

It will also, aid in reducing the number of service interruptions and help in reducing the duration of those outages. The information will also better protect the utilities from damages during construction by contractors and other utility companies. This information is also vital in grant applications. During the course of this project you may see workers walking in your area in the streets, on sidewalks, and on your property collecting this information. The individual(s) will be wearing proper safety gear including reflective vests or clothing and be wearing proper identification. If you have questions or concerns during the work in your area you can call 740-286­3224. Thank you for your understanding during this project.

If you are a city utility customer this work will include your neighborhood. The scope of the work will consist of identifying, locating, verifying, and collecting GPS and other important data for all water, sewer and storm drain structures. Electrical data will be collected when in proximity of the previously mentioned utilities.

The list will include but is not limited to meters, fire hydrants, valves, manholes, storm grates, utility poles, and switches. This will allow the city to update and modernize the mapping system of the city owned utilities. This critical information is invaluable in continuing to provide the quality services Jackson’s customers have grown accustomed to without additional expense.

Mayor Randy Evans and myself would like to thank; the Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission, Mr. John Hemmings (OVRDC Executive Director) and Mr. Heath Fields (OVRDC Research / Planning Specialist) for their support for southern Ohio and the City of Jackson.

David Swackhammer
Director of Safety and Services